English Letters and their Sounds
There are 26 letters in English; but these 26 letters give 44 sounds. It means there is difference of 18 sounds as compared with the total number of letters.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz are 26 English Letters
aeiou are 5 English vowels.
bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz are 21English Consonants.
Letter "C"
1. C = /s/ as in city, cite, race, nice etc
2. C = /k/ as in clear, crown, school etc
3. C = /sh/ as in precious, ferocious etc
4. C = /ch/ as in chain, chair, chore etc
Similarly Letter "G"
1. G = /g/ as in strong, gear, go, green etc
2. G = /j/ as in strange, germ, village etc
3. G = /f/ as in laugh, rough, cough etc
4. G = silent 'g' as in benign, reign, design, align etc
Similarly, there some sounds in English that are produced
/f/ Sound
1. /f/ = f as in floor, flower, front etc
2. /f/ = ph as in phone,sephere, phonetics etc
3. /f/ = gh as in rough, paragraph, triumph etc
/sh/ Sound
1. /sh/ = sh as in shine, show, shirt etc
2. /sh/ = ci as in gracious, delicious, conscious etc
3. /sh/ = ti as in nation, action, initial etc
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